Infrastructure Engineer at Tenstreet. PowerShell enthusiast. Dad joke writer.

Steven Judd is a 30+ year IT Pro and most recently an Infrastructure Engineer at Tenstreet LLC.. His previous recent experience includes Enterprise Email Administrator, Digital Security Analyst, and Cloud and DevOps Advisor for cloud-focused solutions and infrastructure. He has been using PowerShell since 2010 and co-developed a custom training program for PowerShell.

Most recently, he was a Senior Editor for the Modern IT Automation with PowerShell book He is also a co-author and co-editor of the PowerShell Conference Book 3

He loves to help people learn and recognize the value of automation He spends his free time learning more about PowerShell, digital security, and cloud technologies, along with creating and telling Dad jokes

You can find him hanging out on the PowerShell Discord Server, running marathons, playing the cello, plus a handful of other hobbies he can’t seem to quit

Please follow him on Twitter, @stevenjudd, read his blog, and review, use, and improve his code on Github